Sundha Mata

Jai Sundha Mata

Sundha Mata temple is about 900 years old temple of Mother goddess situated on a hilltop called 'Sundha', located at Longitude 72.367°E and Latitude 24.833°N, in Jalore District of Rajasthan. It is 64 km from Mount Abu and 20 km from the town of Bhinmal.

Tanot Mata Mandir

Tanot Mata Temple, about 180 Kms from Jaisalmer near Pak Border. Tannot Mata is a temple in western State of Rajasthan in District Jaisalmer of India. The Village is close to border with Pakistan and is very close to the battle site of Longewala of Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.

Sundha Mata

Sundha Mata temple is about 900 years old temple of Mother goddess situated on a hilltop called 'Sundha', located at Longitude 72.367°E and Latitude 24.833°N, in Jalore District of Rajasthan. It is 64 km from Mount Abu and 20 km from the town of Bhinmal.

Jai Sundha Mata

Sundha Mata temple is about 900 years old temple of Mother goddess situated on a hilltop called 'Sundha'.

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Vashino Devi-03: Mantra of 3 pinds ( Maa Vaishno Devi)

Mantra of 3 pinds ( Maa Vaishno Devi)

Kali mantra

Maha Kali is the fiercest form of Shakti or Durga, in the Hindu religion. Goddess Kali is the destroyer of evil. But Kali is also a compassionate mother who loves her sincere children. Kali is usually worshipped by tantriks to achieve "siddhis". Kali is the slayer of ego as well. Maha Kali Mantra forms part of the prayers offered to the goddess. Goddess Kali Mantra or Mantras for Maa Kali are given below:

"Atha Kalimantraye Sadyovaksiddhiprapyivan
Aravitairyah Sarvestam Prapnuvanti Jana Bhuvih"

"Savaruhaammahabhimaghoradanshtram Hasanmukhim Chaturbhujamkhadagmundavarabhayakaram Shivam
Mundamaladharamdevi Lolajihvandigambaram
Evam Sanchintayetkalim Shamasanalayavsinim"

"Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem Hoom Hoom Dakshine Kalike
Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem Hoom Hoom Swaha"

Laxmi mantra

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, luxury, beauty, power, generosity and auspiciousness. Maha Lakshmi is claimed to fulfill the promises of material, wealth and contentment. Goddess Lakshmi represents fortune, purity, courage and fertility. Maha Lakshmi Mantra forms the part of prayers offered to the lord. Lakshmi Mantra / Mantras of Goddess Lakshmi are as follows:

"Sarvagyay Sarvavarday Sarvadushtbhaydkree
Sarvadukhaharay Devi Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: O Maa Lakshmi, you know everything, you grant favors to all, you are a terror to the evil and your art removes the misery of all. O propitious goddess, I surrender to you.

"Siddhi Buddhipraday Devi Bhuktimuktipradayeenee
Mantramurtay Sada Devi Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: O divine goddess, you are the provider of success and intelligence. You are the benefactor of both worldly pleasure and freedom. The magical sound symbols-the Mantras, verily comprise their form with your grace. Propitious Mother, I surrender to you always.

"Aadhantarhitay Devi Aadhshakti Maheshwari
Yogajay Yogasambhutay Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: O Ultimate Mother, your art is without beginning and end. Your art is the primal power. Your art comes out of Yogic practice and your art is evident through Yoga. Promising Mother, I surrender to you.

"Sthulsukshmay Maharodray Mahashakti Mahodray
Mahapaapharay Devi Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: Goddess Lakshmi, your art in gross and subtle, is the most awful and powerful. Mother, you contain all things and you remove even the greatest sins. Auspicious Mother, I surrender to you.

"Padnaasanstithay Devi Parbrahmaswaroopeenee
Parmashree Jaganmatra Mahalakshmi Namostutay"

Meaning: Maa Lakshmi, you reside in the hearts of devotees and prove the art of the Supreme Brahman. You are mother of the universe with your supreme art. O Great Mother, I bow to you.

Saraswati mantra

Saraswati is the goddess of arts, music, knowledge, and wisdom in the Hindu religion. Goddess Sarasvati is said to possess the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. Sarsvati is regarded as the dispeller of chaos and confusion. Saraswati Mantra is an important mantra of the Hindus that is recited for higher knowledge and wisdom. In India, people pray to her for guidance and knowledge. Maa Sarasvati Mantra is as follows:

"Yaa Kundendu Tushaara Haaradhavalaa, Yaa Shubhravastraavritha
Yaa Veenavara Dandamanditakara, Yaa Shwetha Padmaasana
Yaa Brahmaachyutha Shankara Prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagavatee Nihshesha Jaadyaapaha"

Meaning: Goddess Saraswati is fair and beautiful like the jasmine-colored moon. Her white garland resembles the icy dew drops. She is decked in pure white attire. A white lotus serves as the throne of Maa Saraswati, on whose arm rests Veena. We pray Maha Saraswati, who is surrounded and respected by the Gods to bestow her blessings on us. May the goddess remove our lethargy and brighten our life with light of knowledge.

Vaishno Devi-02: History of Maa Vaishno Devi in Hindi

वैष्णो देवी की कहानी

जम्मू में स्थित माँ वैष्णो देवी की महिमा अपरम्पार है । जो भक्त्त अपनी मुरादें लेकर मैया के दाराबार में पहुँचते है । भक्त्त वत्सला माता अपने भक्तो को पुत्रवत स्नेह करती है और मुरादें पुरी करती है । कोई भी भक्त्त माँ के दरबार से निराश नही लौटता है । माँ वैष्णो देवी 'त्रिकुट पर्वत' पर महाकली लक्ष्मी, और महासरस्वती के तीन पिंडो के रूप में विराज करती है । जहा हर साल बहुत श्रद्धालु माता के दर्शन के लिए आते है और कठिन चढाई चढ़ते है ।

पृथ्वी पर अनेको बार अशुरों के अत्याचार हुए और उनके अत्याचारों के बोझ से जब पृथ्वी धँसने लगी तब तब दिव्य रूप में देवी शक्तियों ने अवतार लिया और पृथ्वी को भार मुक्त किया है । एक बार माँ लक्ष्मी, माँ कली, और माँ सरस्वती ने त्रेता युग में दत्यो का अत्याचार का अंत करने के लिए और संत जानो की रक्षा करने के लिए अपनी समस्त शक्तियों से एक दिव्या कन्या को उत्पन करने का निशचय किया । उनके नेत्रों से निकली दिव्या ज्योति से एक कन्या प्रकट हुई उसके हाथ में त्रिशूल और ओ शेर पर सवार थी । उस कन्या ने तीनो महा शक्तियों के तरफ़ देखकर कहा - हे महा शक्तियों आपने मुझे क्यों उत्पन किया है मेरी उत्पति का क्या प्रयोजन है कृपा करके मुझे बताइए ।

तब तीनो महा देवियों ने कहा - हे कन्या धर्म की रक्षा और अधर्म का नाश करने के लिए हमने तुम्हे उत्पन किया अब तुम हमारी बात मानकर दक्षिण भारत में रतनाकर सागर की पुत्री के रूप में जन्म लो । वहा तुम भगवन विष्णु के अंश से उत्पन होओगी आत्म प्रेरणा से धर्म हित का कार्य
महादेवियो की अनुमती लेकर ओ दिव्य कन्या उसी क्षण रतनाकर सागर के घर गई और उनकी पत्नी के गर्भ में स्थित हो गई । समयानुसार उस कन्या की उत्पति हुई । उस कन्या का मुखमंडल सूर्य के सामान अद्भुत और अलौकिक था । रतनाकर सागर के उस कन्या का नाम त्रिकुटा रखा । थोड़े ही दिनों में त्रिकुटा ने अपने दिव्य शक्तियों से सभी ऋषियों को अपनी ओर आकर्षित कर लिया अर्थात सभी ऋषि जन उसे दिव्य अवतार मानने लगे । त्रिकुटा भगवान् विष्णु की बहुत निष्ट और लग्न से पूजा करती थी इसी कारन उसे सब लोग वैष्णवी कह कर बुलाते थे । कुछ दिन और बीत जाने के बाद त्रिकुटा ने अपने माता पिता की अनुमति लेकर ओ तप करने समुन्द्र तट पर चली गई । वहा साध्वी का वेश बनाकर एक छोटी सी कुटी में रहने लगी ।

उन्ही दिनों श्री राम की पत्नी सीता का हरण करके रावन ले गया था । सीता खोज करते हुए एक दिन श्री राम जी अपनी वानर सेना सहित वहा पधारे और उस दिव्य कन्या को तप करते हुए देखकर बोले - हे सुंदरी वह कौनसा कारन है अथवा वह कौनसा प्रोयोजन है जिस कारन तुम इतना कठोर तप कर रही हो । श्री राम के पूछने पर त्रिकुटा ने अपने नेत्र खोलकर देखा तो श्री राम जी अपने अनुज लक्ष्मण और वानर सेना सहित खड़े है । उन्हें देखकर त्रिकुटा के हर्ष के सीमा न रही । वह प्रसन्न होकर प्रभु को प्रणाम करने के उपरांत वह विनीत भावः से बोली - आपको पति रूप में प्राप्त करना ही मेरी तपस्या का कारन है । अत: मुझे अपनाकर मेरी तपस्या का फल प्रदान करने की कृपा करे । तब भगवान् श्री राम जी के कहा - हे सुमुखी इस अवतार में मैंने पत्नीव्रत होने का निसचय किया है । अत : इस जन्म में तुम्हारी अभिलाषा नही पूर्ण कर सकता किंतु मुझे प्राप्त करने के उद्देश्ये से तुमने कठिन तप किया है इसलिए तुम्हे ये वचन देता हु की की सीता सहित लंका से लौटते समय हम तुम्हारे पास भेष बदलकर आयेंगे और उस समय तुमने हमें पहचान लिए तो हम तुम्हे अपना लेंगे ।

श्री राम जी अपनी सेना सहित लंका की ओर चले गए । लंका में उनका रावन से भीषण सग्राम हुआ और अंत में रावन की मृत्यु हो गई । उसके बाद सीता की अग्नि परीक्षा लेकर पुष्क विमान पर सवार होकर आ रहे थे तब उन्होंने विमान रोक कर सीता और लक्षमण से बोले - तुम येही ठहरो हम थोडी देर में आते है उसके बाद श्री राम जी ने एक वृद्ध साधू का रूप धारण कर त्रिकुटा के सामने पहुचे, त्रिकुटा उन्हें पहचान ना सकी तब श्री राम जी अपने वास्तविक रूप में प्रकट होकर बोले- हे कन्या पूर्व कथा नुसार तुम परीक्षा में असफल रही अत : तुम कुछ काल तक तप करो कलयुग में जब मेरा 'कालिका अवतार' होगा तब तुम मेरी सहचरी बनोगी, उस समय उत्तर भारत में मानिक पर्वत पर तीन शिखर वाले मनोरमा गुफा में जहा तीन महा शक्तियो का निवास है वहां तुम भी अमर हो जाओगी। तप करो महाबली हनुमान तुम्हारे पहरी होंगे तथा सम्पूर्ण पृथ्वी पर तुम्हारी पूजा होंगी । तुम 'वैष्णो देवी' के नाम से तुम्हारी जगत महिमा जगत विख्यात होंगी ।

Goddess Durga Mythological Name

  1. Amba
  2. Ambika
  3. Anika
  4. Annada
  5. Annika
  6. Aryahi
  7. Baruni
  8. Bhagavati
  9. Bhargavi
  10. Chandika
  11. Dakshayani
  12. Deveshi
  13. Durga
  14. Ekaa
  15. Ishana
  16. Ishani
  17. Ishi
  18. Jyotsna
  19. Kirati
  20. Kuja
  21. Kumari
  22. Nandana
  23. Nandi
  24. Niranjana
  25. Patala
  26. Pinga
  27. Pingla
  28. Pragalbha
  29. Rima
  30. Rudra
  31. Sadabhuja
  32. Sadhana
  33. Sadhika
  34. Sanatani
  35. Sarvagjna
  36. Sasthi
  37. Satviki
  38. Saumyaa
  39. Shambhavi
  40. Sharada
  41. Sharanya
  42. Sharvani
  43. Shatakshi
  44. Shibani
  45. Shivakanta
  46. Shrividya
  47. Shuddhi
  48. Shulini
  49. Shyama
  50. Shyamala
  51. Siddhama
  52. Sinhayana
  53. Srirudra
  54. Stuti
  55. Subhadra
  56. Surasa
  57. Sureshi
  58. Tanisi
  59. Tarita
  60. Toshani
  61. Tripura
  62. Triputa
  63. Tvarita
  64. Vajra
  65. Vamika
  66. Varalika
  67. Varuni
  68. Vasana
  69. Vidya
  70. Vishalakshi
  71. Yadavi

Maa Vaishno Devi Story in Hindi

आपने जम्मू की वैष्णो माता का नाम अवश्य सुना होगा। आज हम आपको इन्हीं की कहानी सुना रहे हैं, जो बरसों से जम्मू-कश्मीर में सुनी व सुनाई जाती है। कटरा के करीब हन्साली ग्राम में माता के परम भक्त श्रीधर रहते थे। उनके यहाँ कोई संतान न थी।

वे इस कारण बहुत दुखी रहते थे। एक दिन उन्होंने नवरात्रि पूजन के लिए कुँवारी कन्याओं को बुलवाया। माँ वैष्णो कन्या वेश में उन्हीं के बीच आ बैठीं। अन्य कन्याएँ तो चली गईं किंतु माँ वैष्णो नहीं गईं। वह श्रीधर से बोलीं-‘सबको अपने घर भंडारे का निमंत्रण दे आओ।’ श्रीधर ने उस दिव्य कन्या की बात मान ली और आस-पास के गाँवों में भंडारे का संदेश पहुँचा दिया। लौटते समय गोरखनाथ व भैरवनाथ जी को भी उनके चेलों सहित न्यौता दे दिया। सभी अतिथि हैरान थे कि आखिर कौन-सी कन्या है, जो इतने सारे लोगों को भोजन करवाना चाहती है? श्रीधर की कुटिया में बहुत-से लोग बैठ गए। दिव्य कन्या ने एक विचित्र पात्र से भोजन परोसना आरंभ किया। जब कन्या भैरवनाथ के पास पहुँची तो वह बोले, ‘मुझे तो मांस व मदिरा चाहिए।’ ‘ब्राह्मण के भंडारे में यह सब नहीं मिलता।’ कन्या ने दृढ़ स्वर में उत्तर दिया। भैरवनाथ ने जिद पकड़ ली किंतु माता उसकी चाल भाँप गई थीं। वह पवन का रूप धारण कर त्रिकूट पर्वत की ओर उड़ चलीं। भैरव ने उनका पीछा किया। माता के साथ उनका वीर लंगूर भी था। एक गुफा में माँ शक्ति ने नौ माह तक तप किया। भैरव भी उनकी खोज में वहाँ आ पहुँचा। एक साधु ने उससे कहा, ‘जिसे तू साधारण नारी समझता है, वह तो महाशक्ति हैं।’ भैरव ने साधु की बात अनसुनी कर दी। माता गुफा की दूसरी ओर से मार्ग बनाकर बाहर निकल गईं।

वह गुफा आज भी गर्भ जून के नाम से जानी जाती है। देवी ने भैरव को लौटने की चेतावनी भी दी किंतु वह नहीं माना। माँ गुफा के भीतर चली गईं। द्वार पर वीर लंगूर था। उसने भरैव से युद्ध किया। जब वीर लंगूर निढाल होने लगा तो माता वैष्णो ने चंडी का रूप धारण किया और भैरव का वध कर दिया।भैरव का सिर भैरों घाटी में जा गिरा। तब माँ ने उसे वरदान दिया कि जो भी मेरे दर्शनों के पश्चात भैरों के दर्शन करेगा, उसकी सभी मनोकामनाएँ पूरी होंगी। आज भी प्रतिवर्ष लाखों श्रद्धालु माता वैष्णों के दर्शन करने आते हैं। गुफा में माता पिंडी रूप में विराजमान हैं।

Navratra-07: Navratri Festival - Festival of Nine Nights, Festival of Dandiya and Garba Rass

The festival of Navratri (nav = nine and ratri = nights) lasts for 9 days with three days each devoted to worship of Maa Durga, the Goddess of Valor, Ma Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Maa Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge. During the nine days of Navratri, feasting and fasting take precedence over all normal daily activities amongst the Hindus. Evenings give rise to the religious dances in order to worhip Goddess Durga Maa.

The beginning of spring and the beginning of autumn are two very important junctions of climatic and solar influence. These two periods are taken as sacred opportunities for the worship of the Divine Mother. The dates of the festival are determined according to the lunar calendar. Being the oldest religion in the world, Hinduism has numerous belief systems.

In Hinduism the adherents believe in one omnipresent Deity but may worship Her/Him in any of the numerous manifestations that are prevalent all over India. Navaratri represents celebration of Goddess Durga, the manifestation of Deity in form of Shakti [Energy or Power]. Dasahara, meaning ‘ten days’, becomes dussehra in popular parlance. The Navaratri festival or ‘nine day festival’ becomes ‘ten day festival’ with the addition of the last day, Vijayadashami which is its culmination. On all these ten days, the various forms of Mother Mahisasura-mardini (Durga) are worshipped with fervour and devotion.

The 9 nights festival of Navratri begins on the first day of Ashwina of the bright fortnight. Seeds are sown, sprouting is watched, the planets are consecrated, and on the 8th and 9th days, Goddess Durga, Vijayashtami and Mahanavami are worshipped. The Devi Mahatmya and other texts invoking the Goddess who vanquished demons are cited.

1st - 3rd day of Navratri On the first day of the Navaratras, a small bed of mud is prepared in the puja room and barley seeds are sown on it. These initial days are dedicated to Durga Maa, the Goddess of power and energy. 4th - 6th day of Navratri During these days, Lakshmi Maa, the Goddess of peace and prosperity is worshipped.

7th - 8th day of Navratri These final days belong to Saraswati Maa who is worshipped to acquire the spiritual knowledge. This in turn will free us from all earthly bondage. But on the 8th day of this colourful festival, yagna (holy fire) is performed.


The festival of Navratri culminates in Mahanavami. On this day Kanya Puja is performed. Nine young girls representing the nine forms of Goddess Durga are worshiped.

Navaratri is celebrated five times a year. They are Vasanta Navaratri, Ashadha Navaratri, the Sharada Navaratri, and the Poushya/Magha Navaratri. Of these, the Sharada Navaratri of the month of Puratashi and the Vasanta Navaratri of the Vasanta kala are very important.1. Vasanta Navaratri: Basanta Navrathri, also known as Vasant Navratras, is the festival of nine days dedicated to the nine forms of Shakti (Mother Goddess) in the spring season (March–April). It is also known as Chaitra Navratra. The nine days of festival is also known as Raama Navratri.2. Gupta Navaratri: Gupta Navratri, also referred as Ashadha or Gayatri or Shakambhari Navratri, is nine days dedicated to the nine forms of Shakti (Mother Goddess) in the month of Ashadha (June–July). Gupta Navaratri is observed during the Ashadha Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon).3. Sharana Navaratri: This is the most important of the Navratris. It is simply called Maha Navratri (the Great Navratri) and is celebrated in the month of Ashvina. Also known as Sharad Navaratri, as it is celebrated during Sharad (beginning of winter, September–October).4. Poushya Navaratri: Poushya Navratri is nine days dedicated to the nine forms of Shakti (Mother Goddess) in the month of Pousha (December–January). Poushya Navaratri is observed during the Pousha Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon).5. Magha Navaratri: Magha Navratri, also referred as Gupta Navratri, is nine days dedicated to the nine forms of Shakti (Mother Goddess) in the month of Magha (January–February). Magha Navaratri is observed during the Magha Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon).

"Shloka"Sarva mangala mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike |

Sharanye trayambake gauri, Narayani namostute ||

Meaning: O Mother ! You are the personification of all that is auspicious, You are the benevolent form of Lord Shiva, You bestow Divine energy and help people achieve Righteousness, wealth, fulfill desires and Liberation, You are worthy of being surrendered to. Three eyes adorn You. O Narayani Devi, I pay obeisance to You !

Happy Navratri

Navratra-06: Garba-1

The festival of Navratri (nav = nine and ratri = nights) lasts for 9 days with three days each devoted to worship of Maa Durga, the Goddess of Valor, Ma Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Maa Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge. During the nine days of Navratri, feasting and fasting take precedence over all normal daily activities amongst the Hindus. Evenings give rise to the religious dances in order to worhip Goddess Durga Maa.

The beginning of spring and the beginning of autumn are two very important junctions of climatic and solar influence. These two periods are taken as sacred opportunities for the worship of the Divine Mother. The dates of the festival are determined according to the lunar calendar. Being the oldest religion in the world, Hinduism has numerous belief systems.

Navratri-05 : Sacred Hindi Book

Navratri -04 : Mantra Description

1.First Navratri day devoted to Shailputri Devi

o Mantra to chant: "Om aim hring kleem chamundayi vichche".

o Navratri commences with the first night devoted to the puja of Shailputri devi. 'Shail' means mountain and refers to Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva, the daughter of king of the mountains Himavan. Shailputri holds in her two hands a trident and a lotus. She is mounted upon a bull.

o Special benediction-as all the shradh souls leave the planet this night the energies specially work on the temple (memory) chakras of all in the planet. This is a major healing past karma and removing blocks, bestowing lilac light healing trauma emotions and thoughts.

o We see white seven-pointed stars of light in the sky falling on the shoulders reducing burdens, activating also the navel chakra to create new activities of business, work, healing, and purpose of life.

o The stars also accumulate mostly in water and liquids. Take pure water, coconut water, juices.

o Offering: one pomegranate in the morning before 9 am and accept as prasadam (blessings) in evening, share with others-offer candles morning and evening (after sunset). Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.

2.Second Navratri day devoted to Bhramcharini Devi

o Mantra to chant: "Om doom durgaya namah".

o Bhramcharni devi is a store-house of knowledge and wisdom. Rudraksha is her most dear ornament. One hand holds a "Kumbha" or water pot and the other rosary beads of rudraksh.

o Special benediction--She personifies love and loyalty. We see energies of blue light manifesting bringing empowered actualization of goals. Mantra chanting empowers throat chakra, rectifies negative thoughts and blesses access for more liberating super karma and attracts forgiveness of negative karma.

o At this time blue light radiates from plants and trees in fine filaments activating throat and speech energies. Whatever is spoken will multiply for the next 6 months so on this day one must be particularly attentive to what one says out loud especially.

o We see the presence of energies of their Lordships Sita Ram--golden triangular energies of blessing as big as the human head descending from the north-east.

o Offering: two apples before 9:00 am and a candle/lamp to Bhramcharini devi morning and evening (after sunset); accept and share the apples in the evening with others. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.

3.Third Navratri- devoted to Chandraghanta Devi

o Mantra to chant:

"Om sarva mangal mangalye shive sarvarath sadhike,

Sharanye triambake gauri narayani namostute."

o Chandraghanta devi sits on a tiger, and radiates a golden hue. She manifests ten hands and three eyes. Eight hands display weapons while the remaining two are giving blessings and protection.

o Special benediction: bliss, knowledge, peace and serenity, growtrh of all activities, purpose of life. She is worshiped in this form in Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu) India.

o We see expansion of red energies with pink lightning flashes going directly to the spinal column to strengthen to all activities, activate root chakra (mooladhara); activating birth/growth of new activities; opening of the heart chakra begins. Semicircular spiral energies of navy blue create movement in the spiritual and material zone for all auspicious, karma-freeing work.

o Offering: Three bananas in the morning, light a candle morning-evening, accept and share banana prasadam with others. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.

4.Fourth Navratri- devoted to Kushmanda Devi

o Mantra to chant: "Om dukha hantraya namah"

o Kushmanda devi manifests eight arms, holding weapons and a rosary (mala), she is seated on a tiger and her aura is like the sun.

o Special benediction: This aspect of Devi destroys sorrows of the mind and ego by harmonizing the macro-universe with the inner micro-universe of the individual. This makes available all realms of the external universe to the individual internally through meditation. She is the birthing mother presiding over birth and rebirth. The abode of Kushmanda is in Bhimaparvat.

o We see streams of dark orange and golden light and golden drops that end in little drops of golden light entering the spinal column. These act like a spiritual surgical knife, destroying negatives and false ego positions.

This is a good day to meditate on letting go bad habits/activities, asking forgiveness, being in touch with your true inner reality and position in the universe; your relationship with yourself, the universe, others in it and the Divine.

o Offering: Four pears before 9 am--accept and share with others in the evening; offer candles /lamps morning-evening. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.

5.Fifth Navratri- devoted to Skandmata Devi

o Mantras to chant: "Om hreeng mahadurgaya namah", and -- "Om nityaya namah". Each may be chanted separately not together.

o Devi Skandmata holds her son Skand in her lap and sits on a lion. She manifests three eyes and four hands--two hands hold lotuses while the other hands offer protection and blessings.

o We see the energies of Skandmata transforming other healing blessings of the Devis--now silver light streams out of the hands of people, opens up and becomes a ball of energy in the brahmsthaan of homes activating strength and wealth. Brings all the deva and devi blessings into the home.

o Offering: Five bunches of grapes (you can separate a large bunch into smaller ones); offer candles morning-evening; accept and share the grapes in the evening with others. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.

6.Sixth Navratri- devoted to Kaatyayani Devi

o Mantra to chant: "Om hreeng katyayini namah".

o Katyayani Devi- a manifestation of Sri Laxmi-ji appeared as the daughter of rishi Katyayan and did penance for the purpose of getting Krishna as her husband. Her name means daughter of Sage Katyayan. Golden colored, she sits astride a lion and manifests three eyes and four arms. In two of her hands she holds a weapon and a lotus and with the other two she blesses and protects.

o Special benediction: Kaatyayani devi is very protective and grants boons and fulfils wishes--especially relating to obtaining the association of the Supreme Divine--Sri Krishna. A yellow light of satisfaction emnates from her eyes and spreading into the eyes of people and allowing one to be satisfied with what is being seen and received in life. She radiates crescent-shaped yellow energies.

o Offering: Offer six guavas in the morning and accept in the evening as prasadam and share with others. Offer candle/lamp morning-evening. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.

7.Seventh Navratri- devoted to Kaalratri Devi

o Mantra to chant: "Durga kshama shiva dhaatri svaha svadhaa Namostute"

o Kaalratri Devi has grey-black skin, flowing dark hair, manifests four hands--she holds a khadag (cleaver) and a burning torch, and the other two hands are protecting and blessing. She sits on a donkey.

o Special bendiction: Kaalratri Devi is fearless, the destroyer of darkness and ignorance, she is the scourge of darkness and a reviver, mender of damaged relationships and opportunities.

o We see grey, purplish silver and gold lights activating feet chakra of her devotees--this gives access to the lower universes of darkness destroying negative karma from past lifetimes.
Negative energies are being processed through the roots of all plants and those not eating grains will specially benefit. The feet and toe chakras are activated to go forward into the light fearlessly and to actualize goals.
Old stuck business activities or opportunities can be revived, resolved, and broken relationships mended, and one becomes famous through the blessings of Kaalratri Devi.

o Offering: Seven "cheekoo" fruits (sapota or mud apple) in the morning; accept and share in the evening, offer candle/lamp morning and evening. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.

8.Eighth Navratri- devoted to Mahagauri Devi

o Mantra to chant: "Om nitya buddhaya namah".

o Mahagauri the most fair, manifests as beutiful young girl with four arms radiating peace and compassion, she is often dressed in a white or green sari. Mahagauri holds a drum and a trident and rides a bull.

o Special benediciton: Protects long life of husband, promotes association of good people keeps you away from robbery, theft. Girls of marriageable age should meditate on her to get good husbands, while men meditate on her get a wife with beautiful qualities--energies of creation, sexual fulfillment.

o We see little dots of circular green and pink lights-activating knees, thighs giving freedom from fear, giving confidence and promoting the special benediction qualities.

o Offering: Eight Custard apples-(shareefa, also known as sitaphal); accept as blessings in the evening and share with others; offer candle/lamp morning-evening. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.

9.Ninth Navratri- devoted to Siddhiratri Devi

o Mantra to chant:"Kaali Kaali Mahakaali Kalike Paapharini, Sarva Vighna Hare Devi Narayani Namostute"

o Devi Siddhiratri is seated upon a lotus, surrounded by her devotees, manifests four arms, and grants 8 siddhis--perfections, to her devotees, as well as 18 other benefits. Siddhiratri devi's famous pilgrimage centre is located in Nanda Parvat in the Himalayas.

o Special benediction: Most activating of spiritual awareness and consciousness--We see discs of golden light over crown chakras, instilling bhakti--devotional service to the Supreme, and liberation from karmic bindings. The energies of Sri-Sri Sita and Ram manifest fully on the 9th-10th night for the victory celebrations on the 10th day--Vijay Dashani or Dusshera. The 10th day is the victory of Lord Ram over evil and negativity, and the spreading of His Divine Grace in the material world.

o Offering: 9 oranges or 1 each of all previous 8 fruits and 1 orange; accept and share with opthers in the evening; offer candle/lamp morning-evening. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.

~~~~~ Happy Navratri ~~~~

Sketch of: 10 Avatars of Vishnu

10 Avatars of Vishnu !!!

(courtesy of Sachit)
In BUDDHA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as BUDDHA, the ascetic prince who renounced the throne to lead the world on the path of peace. He is the founder of the BUDDHIST religion prominent across the world. In certain sects of Hinduism, he is considered to be a divine incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was born the crown prince of the Kapilavastu to Suddhodana and Maya. He was named Siddhartha, meaning "All thing fulfilled" by the king. But his mother died soon after his birth but Prajapati, the sister of
Maya, brought Siddhartha up.
Buddha was saddened by death of living creatures, since his childhood days and used to question:
"Alas! Do all living creatures kill each other?". He wasn't happy with any answers that were provided
to him and he decided to find out the meaning and the absolute truth and he left his wife and child to a hermit's life in the forest and one day, became the enlightened one. His preachings spawned off the religion of Buddhism now popular across the whole world.

In KALKI Avatar, Lord Vishnu will incarnate himself as KALKI, the machine-man, who will come riding his white horse and with his blazing sword in his hands. This is supposed to be a future avatar of Lord Vishnu. At the end of Kali Yuga (present eon) He will punish all evil doers in this world, destroy this world supposedly and recreate a golden age again. KALKI is the last of the avatars of Lord Vishnu.
In KRISHNA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as KRISHNA , the central character in the epic MAHABHARATA. In this biggest epic of Indian mythology a myriad of topics are covered, including war, love, brotherhood, politics etc. It is essentially the story of two warring groups of cousin brothers, the PANDAVAs and the KAURAVAs. As a part of the Mahabahrata, during the war KRISHNA, gives a long discourse to his disciple ARJUNA, collectively termed as Bhagvad-Gita. Krishna, during his child-hood was responsible for the killing of Kansa. Krishna is also considered to be an ultimate playboy who was resonsible for charming all gopikaas(cowherdesses) around him. Unlike Ramayana, Mahabharata deals with more down to earth issues like politics, human nature, human weaknesses, and does not attempt to idealise the characters as in RAMAYANA
In KURMA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as a tortoise. It is an interesting story involving both the gods (Devtas) and asuras (demons). In the ongoing saga of battle between the gods and asuras, on one occasion the gods suddenly lost all their strength due to a curse by the short-tempered sage
Durvasa. The sage had once presented a garland of flowers to Indra,king of gods, who carelessly gave it away to his elephant which trampled it. The Devtas approached Vishnu for help. Vishnu then asked them to churn the ocean of milk after adding medicines into the ocean. Mt Mandara could be used a the churning stick he said. He requested them to ask them help of Asuras in lifting the mountain in exchange for offer of the share of nectar of immortality that would ensue from the churning. Both the devatas and the asuras churned
the ocean using the serpent Vasuki as the rope. At the start, playing a Machiavellian trick, Indra, king of the gods asked the asuras for the head end of vasuki.
But asuras suspecting foul play, took the head end, only to be deceived as the poison from Vasuki was slowly weakening them. But as churning was proceeding the mountain was sinking and then Lord Vishnu took the form of the tortoise KURMA and kept the mountain afloat. As soon as the bowl of amrita, the nectar of immortality was out, the asuras grabbed it. Then Lord Vishnu took the form of an apsara, a beautiful maiden, and seduced the asuras into letting her distribute the nectar and also to abide by her order of distribution. As soon as the devatas were served the maiden disappeared thus totally deceiving the asuras and making them totally weak.

In MASTYA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as a fish in this world. In the earliest yuga (era) of Sata-yuga, a king named Manu was performing severe penance for thousands of years. One day as he was
performing ablutions with river water, a small fish came into his hands and just as he was about to throw the fish back into the river, the fish requested the king to save its life. Heeding its request, the king put
the fish into a jar of water but the fish started growing and the jar was not big enough for it. Then the king threw it into the river, but it soon it outgrew the river and the king then threw it into Ganges and then into the ocean.The king realised that it was Lord Vishnu himself and then the lord made an appearance and made a special request to the king. It predicted that the world would come to an end by a huge flood in seven days and requested the king to build a huge boat and take the seven sages(hermits), seeds of all plants, one animal of each type and told him that he would appear as a fish to propel the boat to Mt Himavan for surviving the flood to the next yuga(eon). True to his word, after seven days the Lord appeared and the king tied the boat to the fish by using the royal serpent Vasuki and the fish took all of them to Mt Himavan and kept them there till the flood was over and in the new era, the king started procreation a for the new era.

In NARASIMHA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as a semi-man,semi-lion in this world. The king of demons(asuras), Hiranyakasyapa, wanted to become immortal and wanted to remain young forever. To this end, he meditated for Lord Brahma and because of his severe penance, the gods were frightened and asked Brahma to pacify the king. Brahma was impressed by his austerity and granted him a wish. HiranyaKasyapa wished that he be neither killed by a man or beast, nor in daylight or at night and neither inside or outside a building.
Having obtained the wish he considered himself the supreme God and frobade all worship of gods by anyone. But his son Prahlada, was an ardent devotee of Vishnu. This enraged Hiranyakasyapa very much. He ordered numerous ways to kill Prahlada including asking his sister Holika to sit with Prahlada in the fire. But everytime Prahlada escaped unhurt. Enraged, once he asked Prahlad to show him the Lord Vishnu. Prahlad said, "He is everywhere". Further enraged, Hiranyakasyapa knocked down a pillar, and asked if Lord was present there. Lord Vishnu then emerged as a half lion, half man from the pillar which was neither inside the house nor outside, and the time was evening, neither night nor day. He then killed Hiranyakasyapa thus saving the life of his devotee Prahlada.

In PARASURAMA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as a brahmana(priest) in this world. He was brought in this world to avenge all kshatriyas who had become arrogant and were suppressing the brahmans in the world. He was born to Jamadagni and Renuka, and belonged to the Brighu clan. Parashurama was always carrying an axe presented to him by Lord Shiva of whom he was an ardent devotee.
Kartavirya a powerful king, once went to Jamadagni's home when he was out, and after a meal, stole the Kamadhenu cow, which was supposed to give endless quantity of milk. Jamadgni was enraged and he went and killed the king and brought Kamadhenu back. On hearing this the son of the king came back and killed Jamdagni.Parasurama was enraged at this and went and avenged the death of his father by killing all kshatriyas in 21 battles. His story is story of the supremacy of brahmans over the kshatriyas.

In RAMA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as RAMA , the central character in the epic RAMAYANA. In this biggest epic of Indian mythology a myriad of topics are covered, including war, love, brotherhood,ideal man , son etc. It is essentially the story of an ideal king, son, father and man, RAMA. As an ideal son, he agrees to abide by wishes of his father King Dasaratha to spend 14 years in forest, along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman. During the course of his stay in forest, the demon Ravana abducts his wife Sita. Ram then sets out in search of his wife. During this he makes friends with king of monkeys Sugreeva, and his devotee Hanuman. In the end he wages a war with Ravana and rescues Sita to return to Ayodhya and rule it as an ideal king for 1000 s of years.

In VAMANA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as a dwarf priest in this world. BALI, the grandson of Prahlada was a very valorous and mighty asura. By his penance and might, he conquered the whole world. Indra and other gods fearing that he and asuras would conquer all the three worlds, went to Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu was then born as a dwarf Vamana in the household of a brahmana(priest).
He went to Bali on growing up and asked for alms. Bali was delighted to offer him anything he requested even though his priest warned him that it was Lord Vishnu.

Vamana then requested for the amount of land that could come under his three feet. Bali gracefully agreed. Lord Vishnu then grew in size and covered the earth and heaven in two stride. And due to lack of space,
he put his third leg on Bali himself and crushed Bali to the nether or the Patala loka(underground world), thus helping the Gods out.


In VARAHA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as a boar in this world. A demon Hiranyaksha, had prayed for Lord Brahma and got awarded a boon that no beast nor man nor god could kill him. But somehow from the list of beasts the name of boar was missing. This proved to be his lacunae. He then started a campaign of plunder across the worlds. He pushed the world to the Pataal loka, or the under of the sea. He stole the Vedas, the holy scriptures from the Lord Brahma, while he was asleep and performed huge atrocities.
To retrieve the Vedas and to save the world the Lord Vishnu assumed the role of a boar and brought out the earth from the under of the ocean, using its two tusks. It then killed Hiranyaksha and retrieved the Vedas from the asura and brought it back to the safe custody of the Lord Brahma.


Sketch of : The 9 Avatars of Goddess Durga

The 9 Avatars of Goddess Durga

(courtesy of Sachit)
Navratri or Navratra iteslf means nine days. Its the festival of worshipping Goddess Durga Mata in her nine swarups. Each day of Navatri represents one of the following nine swarups of Durga Mata.
1. Mata Shailputri

"Shail" means mountains and "putri" means daughter. Ma Shailputri means daughter of mountains and this swarup refers to Goddess Parvati who was the Daughter of King Himavan
(the King of the mountains). Ma Shailputri is depicted with two hands, one with a trident and the other with a lotus. She is seated upon a bull. She is believed to be an embodiment of the power of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. In her previous incarnation, Shailputri is believed to be Sati, the daughter of Daksha and the wife of Lord Shiva. Once Daksha had organized a big Yagna and did not invite Shiva. But Sati being obstinate, reached there. Thereupon Daksha insulted Shiva. Sati could not tolerate the insult of husband and burnt herself in the fire of Yagna. In other birth she became the daughter of Himavan, the king of the Himalayas in the name of Parvati - Hemvati and got married with Shiva once again. Mata Shailputri or Ma Parvati can be worshipped at any temple of Shivji where her deity is always present next to her consort God Shiva.

2. Mata Brahmacharini

The second Durga Shakti is Brahamcharini. Brahma that is who observes penance(tapa) and good conduct. She is depicted with prayer beads in her right hand and Kamandal in left hand. Legend states that in a previous birth she was Parvati /Hemavati the daughter of Himvan. Once when she was busy in games with her friends,Naradaji came to see her and on reading her hand/palm-lines Narad Muni stated that, "You will get married with a naked-terrible 'Bhole baba' who was with you in the form of Sati, the daughter of Daksh in previous birth. But now you have to perform penance for him." There upon Parvati told her mother Menaka that she would marry none except Shambhu, otherwise she would remain unmarried. Saying this she went to observe penance. That is why her name is famous as tapacharini - Brahmacharini. From that time her name Uma also became familiar.
‘Brahma’ here refers to the meditative aspect of Brahmacharini and is always depicted as pious women or Sannyasin. She is also worshipped as goddess Tara and is associated with the pious form of Goddess Shakti. She is believed to be that aspect of Mother Goddess, which was present in Sati and Goddess Parvati, when they both did intense austerities to get Lord Shiva as husband. During the penance Mata Parvati did in order to gain Lord Shivji as her consort for thousands of yrs. without eating even leaves she penance so she was called 'Aparna'. Seeing her body her mother uttered U-ma and so she is also called 'Uma'. Her worship increases sacrifice,good deeds & restraint in humans. Rudraksha is her most adorned ornament.
In some regions, Goddess Chamunda swarup of Durga is worshiped on the second day of Navratri. In this form she is believed to have killed the demons Chanda and Munda.There is a famous Chamunda Mata temple at Jodhpur.

3. Mata Chandraghanta

Chandraghanta Ma is known and named Chandraghanta or Chandra-Khanda for the semi-circular moon (Chandra) which appears like a bell (Ghanta) on her forehead. Durga is also worshipped as Ashtamukhi and Shorashi in different parts of India on this day. She is depicted as having three eyes and ten hands holding with ten types of swords - etc. weapons and arrows etc. and is seated on a lion (in some photos on a tiger) and shown as ready for going to war. She is the image of bravery. The frightful sound of her bell terrifies all villains and demonic incarnations. She is also the giver of supreme knowledge and bliss and is depicted as having golden skin with the half circular moon on her forehead, glowing. Her ten hands hold .........
She is worshipped in this form in Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu) India.Srisailam Devasthanam also is a temple of Ma Chandraghanta.A very popular legend associated with Ma Chandraghanta is the story of Raja Harischandra her devotee.

4. Mata Kushmanda

On the fourth day Mata Durga is worshipped as her Ma Kushmanda swarup. She is depicted as seated on a lion, and possesses eight arms. She resides in solar systems and represents all knowledge. Seven types of weapons are shown in seven hands and prayer beads in her right hand. She likes the offerings of "Kumhde." Therefore her name "Kushmanda" has become famous.
She is also known as 'Krishnamanda' and is believed o have created the universe,so she is called as Adi Swarup. She is also called 'Astbhuja'. Worship of Ma Kushmanda brings light into darkness and ignorance, gives true knowledge,destroys ego, disease, sorrow, depression, ignorance. "Kumbh Bhand" means to see cosmic vivacity in Pindi shape or knowledge of cosmic intricacies in human race. The abode of Mata Kushmanda is in Bhimaparvat.

5. Mata Skandmata

She is the Goddess of Fire. The fifth swarup of Ma Durga is "Skanda Mata". The daughter of Himalaya, after observing penance got married with Shiva. She had a son named "Skanda." Skanda is a leader of the army of Gods. Skanda Mata is a deity of fire. Skanda is seated in her lap. She has three eyes and four hands. She is white and seated on a lotus.
Some also depict her sitting on a lion with her son Skand ( Lord Kartikeya) in her lap with two hands holding lotuses while the other 2 hands respectively display defending and granting gestures. Its said, by the mercy of Ma Skandmata, even the idiot becomes an ocean of knowledge. The great and legendary Sanskrit Scholar Kalidas created his two masterpieces works viz. "Raghuvansh Maha Kavya" and "Meghdoot" by the grace of Ma Skandmata.However some believe Kalidasa was also inspired and blessed by Ma Kushmanda.

6. Mata Katyayani

The goddess of Vrindavan, she is depicted as having four arms and three eyes, she is seated on a lion. She is the sixth swarup of Ma Durga and is known as Mata Katyayani. The son of "Kat" was "Katya". Rishi Katyayan was born in this "Katya" lineage. Katyayan had observed penance with a desire to get Ma as his daughter. As a result she took birth as a daughter of Katyayan. Therefore her name is "Katyayani" . She killed the demon Mahishasur.To get Krishna as a husband gopis worship Ma Katryayani in Vraj. So she is established as the Queen of Vraj.

7. Mata Kaalratri

The seventh swarup of Ma Durga is Mata Kalratri. She is black like night. Her Hair is always shown as pitch black, long, loose and scattered . She has put on necklaces shining like lightening and human skulls. She has three eyes and is also shown as being seated on a Shava (dead body). 2 of her hands hold a cleaver and a torch, while the remaining 2 are in the mudras of "giving" and "protecting". Her vahana is a faithful donkey. The destroyer of darkness and ignorance, Mata Kaalratri is scourer of darkness; enemy of darkness.Mata Kaalratri's shrine is in Calcutta, India This four-armed swarup of Ma Durga dissipates darkness from amidst her devotees, and bestows freedom from fear and adversity. She is also called "Shubhamkari."When she breathes fire comes out of her nostrils.Any type of fear goes away by her worship. Shubhankari Mata always give 'Subh' good fruits.

8.Mata Mahagauri

She is like an eight-year-old girl. She is intelligent and peaceful, possesses three eyes and four arms, and uses the bull as her vehicle.The Eighth swarup of Ma Durga is Ma "Maha Gauri." She is depicted as fair as a conch, moon and jasmine flowers. Her clothes and ornaments are white and clean. She has three eyes. She rides on bull She has four hands. The above left hand is in "Fearless - Mudra" and lower left hand hold a "Trishul." The above right hand has tambourine and lower right hand is in blessing style. She is calm and peaceful. It is said that when the body of Gauri became dirty due to dust and earth while observing penance, Shiva makes it clean with the waters of Gangas. Then her body became bright like lightening. There fore, she is known as "Maha Gauri" .
She is also worshipped as Ma-Ambaji, Ma-Kalika, Ma-Bahucharaji. Ma Mahagauri can be seen in a temple at Kankhal near pilgrim centre Haridwar, India

9.Mata Siddhidratri

The Ninth Swarup of Ma Durga is Mata Siddhidatri. There are eight Siddhis or accomplishments, they are- Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Iishitva & Vashitva. Maha Shakti gives all these Siddhis. It is said in "Devipuran" that the Supreme God Shiv got all these Siddhies by worshipping Maha Shakti. With her gratitude the half body of Shiv has became of Goddess and there fore his name "Ardhanarishvar" has became famous. This swarup is depicted as seated on a lion and has four hands. She is the giver of all forms of accomplishments[Siddhis].As per the Brahmavaivart Purana there are 18 types of achievements which are Anima, Mahima, Garima, Ladhima, Prapti, Prakaamya, Ishitva,Vashitva, Sarvakaamaal, Saadhita, Sarvagynatva, DurShravana, Parkaayapraveshan, VakaSiddhi, Kalpavrushatva, Shrishti, Samharkaransaamarthya, Amaratva, Sarvanyayakatva, Bhavana and Siddhi. Seated upon a lotus, most commonly, with 4 arms, and is the possessor of different siddhis /accomplishments to grant her devotees. Mata Siddhiratri's famous pilgrim centre, is located in Nanda Parvat in the Himalayas.
